im presuming you use the needle rifle ricochet to get the fusion coil out of its palce, then with the dmr you are meant to blast yourself into the...
On the last level when the massive ship is shooting down the super laser beam, i think it's Buck who makes a reach reference. SOmething like .....
THis is the best canvas EVER
Most thigns look to bold and unclear, The lines kinda ruin it.
LOL, a ranked elephant kill!
That looks so frikkin cool! 11/10
I was hopin it would be cheaper! Anyway thanks!
Hey, i was just wondering, what capture card do you have and how much did it cost?
One of the best maps of the tourney so far. Was playing on it earlier and it looks pretty awesome. P.S. you can grenade the warthog or goose...
Explosion is too big and bright in my opinion 6/10
Why is B great for quick scoping, unless you can play with crabs hands you would have to take your hand off the aim to zoom in making it worse to...
First couple are out BRs, but after that its really just nade shots or they aren't looking. It's alright though.
I can't help you on that one but if you check out the Forging 101 section i'm sure there would be some great tips there!
I feel so left out being ENglish! I've got 3 shops i can pre order from that get the game to my house a day early :p
You think you made your intro late? I made mine 1 and a half years after i joined! LOL :P Anyways welcome to the forums and abide by the rules!...
I'm not really a fan a fan of scenery shots so IMO most of these are bad.
I'm not gonna lie, IMO none of them are very good. The background is bad and the lightings not very good. Try and tweak it a little and it could...
WOW this looks awesome, will make forging hell of a lot easier.
I'll help you for free! Add GVenator
Am i right in believing that like 4 of those have been bungie favourites. Anywa that's a great gallery, everything is unique in some way.