Since forge is an additive editor with a variety of shapes that connect with each other there ought to be a 3D grid toggle. And the shapes...
[IMG] Here's an outdoor version of Halcyon. Let's see what you can do in the gardens.
Got your twitter message Seth. Looks like the early sketchup concept. Is this where the forge masters hang out now?
looks like a good 2v2 map :)
such detail! O.O
Rules:- It has to be from Halo CE or Halo 2. :'(
it is annoying and I see a recurring theme of this. The thing is good maps that are truly good exceed a good reason to give good feedback for...
hey, your cross is upside down.
Try not to expect much when posting your maps. Calm down, don't get worked up into a lather, the map will take care of the impressions for you....
[IMG] Like this. Forgers Including me are getting exhausted of telling them how to run a creative driven community and then get blasted for it.
I said they were a bunch of sissy la la-s
we need to make plans
love the avy - mlg moderator =/= DOES NOT EQUAL level designer. Tak Bob Zanno Rob can shove it. hope they read this ^_^
Yes. Later in the afternoon.
Yep it's a work in progress. Trying to simplify it, it's a common thought when I show forgers in game, the one line of symmetry, the release will...
Walking the walk. Cool Map. [IMG] Laggy Base. [IMG] LoS BlOcKeRz. [IMG] Seafoam Green Garden. [IMG] Chandelier. [IMG] Touch...
This is what happens when you never give up on a design you believe in. aPK deserves a mountain of cookies. And I'm keeping an eye on this one....
I nominate Ladnil Mayor of Awesome hardy har ;)
I view it on the same level as team shooting and I highly disregard any form of "kill stealing". If everyone is worried about their kills being...
Yep there's no problem. The only lost cause was the arrogance. Not a lost cause.