And worst of all, they will come in FULL HAYABUSA ATTIRE!
har har har
I already simulated when of the Jackal Snipers. ;) Yeah, I posted this here first though. Lol. I'm also going to cop+pasta this from Halomods:
I used a ramp, so you could gp under it like in H2. And I only put the one on the right side. Since the left one was rarely used and there wouldnt...
Basically you could say its a Copy+paste job. =P
No, just to play the game like normal on a map based off that part of Outskirts.
SmallSkirts is based off of the building with the turret at the beginning part of Outskirts. There are a total of Three bases. However, there are...
Update: I have lots of action shots here, too many to embed. I finally got a...
Just this morning, since I figured this map is actually worth something unlike my last abominations I tried to make. :)
Thank you. :)
Or they accidentally clicked that when they meant to click something else..
Finally got it.
EVA Area: [IMG] Top floor of CQB Area. Few differences from my uploaded map. (The current map has small shield doors on the hall, more boxes...
That isnt what I read here... I already posted this to the forums the day before yesterday, but I made a big change to the map, making that...
I'll have to get to it later then. Not until after 5:00 EST I wouldn't be posting this here if I thought it wasn't worthy of a download....