Grenade regeneration and different kill-type scoring (only sticks count, for example)
I think the word you're looking for is "pummel". Anyway, the map looks really good, but I'm not sure about the amount of weapons.
Ah, I forgot that... But couldn't you just have the Infected and the team trying to take the flag spawn at the same base, since they'd both be...
Try doing what this guy did here: It's the first map I've ever seen that...
You could just set the spawns to asymmetric/symmetric.
Loyal? You loser. We'll have to give you Forever Supporter on XF, then.
:O Awesome.
Yeah. I'd be glad if you'd be up for helping, but it isn't necessary.
Hey, G043R, I was wondering if I could forge that Asset on Construct idea you had.
Yeah, I'm gonna try out G043R's Asset on Construct idea.
Yeah, I really don't have the patience, and I get bored easily forging. Your Thanksgiving sounds awesome. And yes, good food is always welcome.
I'm doing fine. I've been rather bored lately, though. Running out of Forge ideas sucks. How was your Thanksgiving?
Hey dude, how have you been?
Hello, Sarge. I was wondering, do you have Skype or MSN? I'd like to talk to you about something.
Well, I'm gonna be the bigger person and stop fighting with you. kthxbai
Lol. I've always disliked you. Don't think I just started now. As soon as AZN joined, I hated almost all the members that joined after him......
My team was amazing. And the right amount of people is how many, exactly? I don't see anything about a player count in the original post.
... What. I insulted you for being on FH because your a little crybaby that runs to the mods every two seconds.
And? What does you being on XF prove?
So I'm not allowed to discuss the USSR in the General Chat forum? That's stupid. Oh, and your welcome, ForgeHub ***.