Guys I've come back to save Forge Hub.
That's just because everybody drives by pulling in the trigger all the way. I do too, it's easy to get used to, but pulling the trigger all the...
They didn't spell Cheetah wrong by accident, that's just the name of the car model. Real world companies do that **** all the time.
Splitting it into two seasons would make more sense if there was like 20+ episodes altogether. Splitting it up into two 7 episode seasons......
Actually it's: Not everything. Not yet.
I could be imagining things but I'm pretty sure I've seen his signs up near my neighborhood. My address isn't Fort Worth but I'm within the city...
Straight-pull bolt. I usually zoom out after a shot just out of habit, but that half a second where it's readying the next round even while I'm...
That, or we could get one very long third season. Wouldn't be out of the question, seeing as the original series had seasons of 20+ episodes....
Side note: this was the largest kickstarter project ever, in terms of first day donations. I'm pretty sure donations are somewhere around...
Spiderman was good, not great. Unfortunately, I saw the final trailer for The Dark Knight Rises right before the movie and I literally couldn't...
The M16A3? Yeah, I'll second that.
Having new weapons means that more people will use them. More people using them means that you will die more often from these new weapons than...
Yeah but Aftermath looks to be single player/cooperative content, not multiplayer. They haven't said this, but the way they described it and how...
Halo 4 looks decent. Not a whole lot like a Halo game, but decent.
ONE - Battlefield 3 Machinima - YouTube
If you know how to do all the puzzles then you aren't wasting much time. It's a short game as it is, even shorter if you're experienced. It'll...
Missing out on one of the greatest games this gen. The humor alone is worth a replay. Also, those last 2 chapters you missed out on... they...
It made sense to me. Banner has never been at good terms with his power. He doesn't refer to the Hulk by name because he doesn't like to...
Still not sure why, but I could not stop laughing at that Galaga thing. Hulk's second transformation (right after he rides up on the motor cycle)...
GameInformer details: [spoiler] Hahaha, the absolute, complete opposite of what anyone wanted! Nothing but a traditional, generic MMO in an TES...