ah yes, i see it in the pictures. that works i suppose. i still might change it myself, just cuz it'd be easier to not have to hop off.
i like what i'm seeing, but you gotta embed those pics brutha. forum rules =/
looks pretty simple, but nice. Foundation wasn't complex, but there was a good flow to it. i think an insta-kill height boundary is a little...
i played this kind of game a lot in Halo 3. its definitely a great party gametype, lots of fun! i'm gonna download your track now and see how well...
Thank you, there was a lot of love put into this haha. What you're suggesting makes a lot of sense in theory, but in actual practice it's a little...
Yea, i get you man, thanks =). i know its complicated, but i figured i couldn't let that stop me. hell, have you ever tried explaining Teamwerks...
Haha yea, the explaining is my least favorite part of any mini-game, but it pays off. i've found a few steady friends that i play with and they...
Joust The Mongoos'errific Combat Game [IMG] Introduction Hey Forgehub. It's been a while since i've been here, but i figured it'd be...
all you did was pack three million weapons into the back room, dude. not only will the gameplay be terrible, but come on...that just takes about 3...
ha, thanks. i don't either. trust me, this map took me like, 2 months. just because i kept putting it away and pulling it back out again. when i...
oh my god....some people here are just a LITTLE slow... look at the top of the page people! it's in the aesthetic section! of COURSE its an...
hey man, i remember checkin out a map of yours a while back and likin it. i just posted one the other day, maybe you'd like to check it out. THE GRID
yea they look pretty kool. i'll give em a shot. idk where you saw my sig, but if it wasn't in my map thread, maybe you'd like it too. THE GRID
hmm... maybe lol. i'll consider it when i get the time. not a bad idea
haha thanks man. real sig? what do you mean, like stick the quote into the picture? they don't go together too well lol
glad there's at least one person who understands my sig. if i could give you some rep for knowing big words like that, i would. but i don't know...
thank you. and hey, man. to each their own. thanks for the bonus prizes anyway lol
thanks. it does seem pretty big when you play, now that i think of it. but having two levels helps with that a lot. i saw a few other people...
i'm pretty sure he didn't break any rules. doesn't he have 24 hours to get pictures up? if he's finishing tomorrow he should be fine. i'm not...
THE GRID [IMG] A Remake of the original Perfect Dark 64 Map Hello all. I'm not new to forgehub by any standards, but i haven't exactly posted a...