Well welcome to Forge Hub! As a welcoming gift I will let you in on a secret! If you do not fix your post by adding pictures (or a video) and add...
Well I don't know if EVERY forum has that rule, I just assumed it may be very common. But that is beside the point. As far as your map goes I...
This map is an amazing remake, however i noticed that you replaced the teleporter with a man cannon and i was just wondering why?
Don't you realize that people are supposed to download the map before they give the map a review... That is the point. Oh and don't double post....
i want the thong!
The three that i am looking closely at are Citadel, Ghost Town, and Orbital. I might make all three, or i might make just one of them. Im not sure...
VERY well designed in my opinion. the only problem you might run into is the object limit, but im sure that if you do you have a plan to down size...
Okay here is the deal. Of course I will have my own maps that I will be creating in Reach but I wanted to do a service for those of you that don't...
When i drive down the road or just go anywhere i take buildings or other objects that i see and picture how i could incoporate it into a map. For...
Well it seems like this map would focus on the Warthog a lot. All the way from the awkward way it is spawned to the fact there is a lot of open...
I can really tell how this map had Tombstone and Prisoner in mind when you made it. This is actually a really great map! I agree with guy above,...
From what Halo 3 Forge allows, these are awesome! If you get Halo: Reach i highly recommend you remake these and place them in such a way that you...
Well i think that each of these maps example very different styles of gameplay and you did a great job on each one. That warmup map may not have...
Well i feel that i shouldn't review this map based on the way it looks, but rather on how it plays because to be honest (and you said it yourself)...
This map looks amazing. Very smooth and well Forged. I hope i can have a play through with some ppl on it. Nondual, we need to play on this map...
well you didnt show too much of the map from those pics cuz they were mostly action shots. Personally i am not a fan of infection maps because i...
very interesting. there isnt much to say about this... i mean, it fits its purpose and you and your clan could use it a lot. Idk how much other...
just a heads up... people leaving comments are trying to give you constructive advice. If you were smart you would listen to what ppl are saying...
I played this map with a bunch of friends, and although im pretty sure we had way to many ppl on the map, it was pretty fun. I love the fact that...
I would love to see it done but i personally would not do it only because i am not going to try to remake any maps since many ppl will already be...