I have a risk system because if your away from the VIP, your marked, gold, have less damage resistance and your sheilds don't recharge.
Type in English please.
Needs more pics, embedded pics and TBH, it's easy.
I have made a bungie profile but when I click "link tag' it just puts me on a page asking to join "my x-box", saying nothing about linking tags....
Ah, the VIP's team can do no damage and have a waypoint. The waypoint goes away near the VIP. Also away, they only have 50% DR, sheilds and there...
I wanted it to be the players running in and trying to grab time as the mongoose tried getting them all, but I guess I can compromise.
I just want a way to make the entire of one team VIP.
Why can't I post them here without one? Edit: Do I need to link it?
I looked a few hours ago, all are funny >_>
I have the GT, now I need the map. The only problem is that only one person can earn points, screwing up most of the game >_<
Anything other then DL's?
I wanted to mix zombies with KOTH. The humans are on a higher platform surrounding the floor. There are two zombies to start who have hammers and...
This map deserves more responces, it looks very good.
I still have no idea how interlocking works and it doesn't really sound like something uber amazing. If your making a floor it would be needed,...
Re: The 3 Story Giant House v3 [infection] [now with pictures!] Looks very nice, love the idea.
There are so many things I want to do with it.
Bungie link?
Bland to say the least.
Although the dumpster dodger would suck as everybody and there pet's done that. Something like a gladiatorial arena or mongoose jousting.