-_- I worked it out by deleting them all and starting again. The moral of the story is: if you create something, make it have 'place at start: no'...
Because I couldn't line it up with the height of another thing that was at a non-uniform height. Christ.
I don't have confidence that any of you read this through. I tried using run-time minimums. I'm not dumb to the point that I don't know about...
Okay, so: I was forging, and I placed some sexy coliseum walls. These were PERFECT. I wanted to merge something into them, so long story short I...
I put a rock in a water balloon launcher, pulled back as far as I could, and let go. The pouch was scrunched up so it came back and hit me in the...
I guess my school has a lot of incentive to be in the band. We travel to Disneyland, New Orleans and Toronto to play.
Why in the world would you give up such a beautiful instrument?
You play tuba as well?
Actually, I haven't touched my xbox in some time. A personal life kinda jumped up and surprised me this year.
Pretty well. To tell the truth, I only regularly visit this site because the funny pictures thread is in my folder of funny sites. I haven't...
Hola, birthday buddy. I have to say, it's a pretty sweet day to be born. Did you know we share our birthday with Langston Hughes?
Why, thank you. It is indeed a happy one. Auto show time! *vroom, vroom!*
Thanks. My day got that much better having agreed. I could only wish that more internet disputes could come to an end like this...
I only feel the need to crush the opinions of those who are wrong. Sorry, that part stuck out for me. It seems to me that we may never come to...
I wrote an entire essay, and decided to post it in a forum that is normally just one or two comments about 'torture being good', followed by the...
I was assigned, forcibly, to that subject. I'm surprised that someone with such a high standing would say that they normally don't stoop to...
I most certainly can view that without smiling. I live in the Philadalphia area, and can assure you that the spending cutbacks are affecting...
Not really inadequate. You see, the thing about seeing those planets is I know it's probably not very interesting out there. If there is some...
Hey guys. I just wrote an entire debate essay on USA torture for school, and thought that it shouldn't go to waste. I have no clue if this is...
Dwight: Hey there. So uh, how do you think we're gonna do against Penn this year? Nathan Ford's arm looks pretty strong. Andy: Well he's had a...