w00t! I'm fianlly back on forge hub after quiting halo for along time. I'm not sure what anyone is doing these days so if anybody wants to fill me...
Of course it has floorboards and the teleporters are bushes as Wakko said
I agree with everything. But don't do what Bungie does with spawn points or you'll be walking into walls
Yeah I realize that some of the hiding spots are missing( boiler rooms ) but it would be impossible for me to add those areas with the small...
Welcome to the Manor! This is a map that I created a couple weeks ago made for large parties of In the Shadows. You can download In the Shadows...
I'm just gonna piss you off and call it a maze. But this is a great map and should be featured. 6/5 :squirrel_rocking:
I has a dude! Okat his gmaertag is ForbiddenCheif and he was trying to steal our map The Estate. So far I do not beleive he has posted it in...
Unless it looks exactly like this: [IMG] then it equals epic fail.
Problem sloved sorry for the annoyance. :squirrel_wink:
If you need dual maulers to kill someone then you are the definition of fail, but I do it anyways. The best way to solve the maulers issue would...
Re: WHY WONT MY SIG UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Which thread did I put this in? Im pretty sure it was the off topic thread so all caps really shouldn't...
It is alot of fail Billy but this is just one thing that you must get used to in Forge Hub. OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! fails. WHAT NINE...
You're on! *Takes long gulp of monster, I really did right before I started typing this* Antway that was off topic so now I must include relevent...
Well I don't mind this post 'cause I couldn't find another like this for some reason. Anyway yeah it works, but you can't move to far without...
Well why would you want the Wraith there if it was just going to disappear? Anyway the best way to have the wraith AND make the point available...
I'm a damn Colonel now, aaarrggh!!
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Titmar stop posting these "Quadruple fail" posts its making me mad. It's obviosuly a sextuple fail so get it right!
But you would already have the custom title so it would be "I has Custom Title!"
Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: apologized: now voting original or revised name) Well I'm glad that you changed the name :squirrel_giggle: But now I...
I think this is called territories.