it wasnt too much effort.. but for a april fools prank, Hell yes! it was sorta obvious cause the release date was set too april 1'st 2009(april...
funny, but your youtube tags dont work.
I saw that like 80 times and I thought it was a mask, I told my brother a couple days ago and he laughed. who knows though, it might not be.
Might review and rate later, could be better on standoff sinse standoff is large but looks really good! EDIT: Billy.. um foundry objects are...
Seems interesting. Will download then edit later after I played it with a rating. Edit: Ok first of all I thought this was a intresting map. I...
Ok, you should probly say Use for infection. Not works with infection. Cause it works with any game variant.
Ok first of all this forum is too post your Casual Maps in, not your suggestions. They belong in the Forge Disscusion Forum Please read the pinned...
You mean English class?
Right, I'll do that right now.
I can, I am not sure why it doesn't work. I will edit it later and change the website that I hosted the pics on so I can make it bigger.
**THIS IS VERSION ONE! ALOT OF STUFF HAS NOT BEEN ADDED AND WILL BE SOON IN VERSION 2.** Map Title:Cats n dogs This is a very fun map that I made...
Map Title: [glow=red,2,300]Bridge too hell] A short but fun map with lots of jumps, the map name is based around the very long bridge inside the...
Eh, well this is one of my first paintball maps. Expect better ones later. I sorta rushed through this one.
I got screenies of both bases up, hope you enjoy!
Hello my name is thesm, Im new hear and I thought I would share this really fun paintball map that I made today. Its loads of fun for a small...
Eh, it was fun, but no jump really worked perfectly, for example at the first part where you whent up the open double crate it was really hard too...
the "awesome" jump doesn't usally work because you have to get it right in the middle, also its pretty hard too get back up. I give you a 6/10