Very nicely forged, I give it 9.7
looks very well forged
try to get a few more pics to show the map because it is a little hard to determine what is what
very nicely made, 9/10
i don't get the name (doesn't seem to fit the map) but still looks good
needs a little clan up but other wise looks really good, 9.2/10
idea= ++++, honor rules=--------------------------------------- hate honor rules 7.6/10
looks good, like the slideshow idea but it could have had better tranitions (but that doesn't matter) 9/10
add more pictures, but the turn looks awsome
Meeds Pictures
Porblem with Hogs is people get in the gunners seats and kill every one else, i ahte honor rules
well made i will have to try it out
needs bigger pics but otherwise looks fun
looks very well made, and fun, but it could help to see some pictures of people playing it
looks really good, very nicly made, 9.5/10
Goog Interlocking
looks fun, i will find out
good map, i already made a Dk map but it was not as clean as yours, mostly because i was focusing on the game play, but i will download
Way better then Bungie 500, I give it a 9.9/10 highest i have ever given to a map, (i am saving 10/10 because you never know if some one...
Try cleaning up the walls, will really help, but still pretty good, i give it 8.1/10