Alright sure
When's the testing? I can test only on the weekend. My GT: knife in a box Shoot me a message because my friends list is full
I'm kind of tired to type a tutorial right now but if you download the map you should see how it works
It doesn't have to be complex and it is in fact very innovative. Also, it could be used for a variety of different gametypes revolving around it....
It's just on timer but I'm planning on making a invasion gametype on this map and I could make it so that the wall spawns after phase 1
It automatically embedded it for me just by posting the youtube link
Umm I'm not sure but you can download it and upload it to youtube & then embed it
Ok I misinterpreted your post. I could test that but it really isn't a necessary thing to fix but it might save some money Make sure you...
Yea it shuts after 18 seconds into the game. Just a little test I wanted to do
Thanks I was hoping nobody has built something like this before :P
I would suggest putting a shield in front of the door so people can't shoot it to blow it up
I'm rendering it for you ;) Here's the video Also...
Here's the download link! : Halo Reach : File Details Added after 2 minutes: Sorry for the double post but I have a video live on...
GMAX GMAX is 3DS Max but solely for th purpose of creating in-game content and it's free!
I would play around with the spawn sequence and see what happens
Thanks! I'll try to put the map up on my file share today so everyone can download it and see how it works
The trip mine is on the side of the wall. The crate rests on a pad of fusion coils. The crate is protected by a shield in between the pad and it's...
Sweet :D I hope I'm the first person to discover this
Wow this looks amazing. A very unique idea :D
If I remember correctly it does respawn properly after use. Does anybody know if somebody else has done this?