Well no because I am trying to go with a chaotic feel. I dont think this map would last long for the super competitive. Which is why my group...
Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results feel free. and if you want add me. My gts are vbg17 and mykdisbetter. I could...
Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results Well as far as invulnerability on spawn, if you can hit someone with a rocket...
Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results Yes the map is playable, there just arent any weapons that spawn on it. I have...
It all started with a gametype called dome shotties made by nightcast41. It was very small and you only used shotguns. Very fast and hectic. But...
Re: -The GYM 2.0- Yep I agree. Cool looking gametype. And the no line thing will actually help out my group avoid arguements. DLed
Re: Team stomping grounds. Made for any team variant. Ok AJ Spartan, Im not really sure what rath is but im pretty sure in this context it isnt...
This is a symetrical map designed for all those team variants you have downloaded. It will play well with teams of anywhere from 2-5 per team....