How is it competitive?, moreover how is it not Asthetic?
Thanx for the compliments guys, i would have started work on my new map by now but sadly i RROD'ed and the status code is bad..... R.I.P Xbox 360...
I will refer you to my previous statement
Does anyone want to help me work on other COD4 Maps or anything in particular? send me a pm or game message and well get started ASAP
Yeah ok mate ill give it a shot, sounds like it would be fun to make. i need to get my copy of COD4 back and when i do ill make a start on it....
As you may notice it is FNGTimeTrial version 3, i have tried many possibilities and the layout i use currently i find works the best i have...
thanks guys, once i get back my copy of COD im going to try another map just for the hell of it, probably one of the multiplayer maps, anyone have...
thanks guys for the comments, bit of a shame about being down i had the same problem before :(
yeah thats what i was going for but like 9/10 maps that i look at have that posted somewhere lol, yay im special Well not much really, but the...
thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. about the flares, i know they dont really work and last too long but it gives you the general...
Seeing as the update has removed guilders, i cannot submit this as my application but will post is as such for peoples opinions Forge Hub...
i can has recon plz? *tries to pick up the helmet and picks up one of the guns* "ohh noes i brokeded it, sad faaace :(
good job mate, i like it alot, youll gte heaps of downloads from the MLG players of halo 3 :P
nice map dude, fortification for the win :D
nice map, fun to play and good layout and variation
good variation from the default foundry grifball map, downlaoding
good balance between chopper speed verses cover for humans, makes it a very even and fun map to play
haha run turkey run, good fun for a little while, nice to have a break from more "serious" maps
good work mate, love the vid :) gunna play this with my m8s tonight. make more plz?
really good idea on object placements, makes it much easier and a really good canvas