dude nice geo-merging :P i had to but in all honesty your map has a really epic feel to it its grand its out there and it always will be the first...
well not on live
Iwould lobve to play a game osris's bunker when you get send me an invite gamertag DanEBLIND after playing i ll post tommorow
hey yellow when are you playing halo agian you been off for months
Amazing i will DL in about 2 minutes if you get a chat its me my bungie.net profile does not exist becauese I lost the windows live account...
Its me DanEBLIND staplgun's friend The one that made the statue you know good times
cool i just was wondering iwas in UEG PAPA but iasked for transfer and apparently thats caused the dreaded DRAMA so BIGGIE XO banned me saying...
:confused:Quinn are you in UEG or am I reading that sig wrong
I am lonely LOL XD Gamertag: Raynehollow Times you can get on: I’m on every day, i have no life!! Mic yes/no?: Yes About me: I want askilled and...
Hey Draw the Line Ihave always liked the maps youve made and my only other forge hub contact gravedigger5454 has not been on I was wondering if...
Hey I was wondering if you could look at amap im making and tell me what you think of it just send me a message on XBL. thanks Iwould relly...
grave digger why aren't u ever on anymore I made some maps I want to show u please send me an inv when you get online next thnx
Vey cool I'll dl If you get a private chat invite thats just me acessing your profile and looking at the file share its looks amazing I want so...
the eye actually is called SINKO The description of the original cold storage states that is instalation 05 therefore "THE EYE" has been Nicknamed...
You seem to have the right idea of the main structure but the openess of the ghost place needs to be fixed if u want help money glitching your map...
me likey alot very nice attetion to detail and if he took another screenshot he need get rid of stuff about how many DLs the screenshot got
thx already been signed up for a few months this was my first thread on FH I only can post and stuff on my PSPs web browser so yeah thanks
Hi Forge hub I am from a clan called united extreme gaming (UEG) and am a forge squad leader in a division called UEG PAPA I enjoy forging and...