Very nice, though it does look a bit sloppy. How long did it take you to make?
The thing to make note of, is it isn't a map the general public would enjoy. However, that right there would get a new user buried under a flaming...
Is it still easy to fall out of? That was my major qualm with earlier versions.
Makes it harder for someone to steal this map, and post it with the same screens. Their name is on them. Genius.
That's crazy looking, good job.
Well, it all depends on level of dedication. Photobucket takes no time to set up an account, and makes for reliable hosting. I just think it's...
Imageshack and Photobucket are good as well.
I'll admit the map looks good, but you need to embed the pics my friend.
People care about the map, but presentation is everything my friend. A restaurant could have the best food in the world, but go out of business...
This map posting is not up to site standards, and needs to be repaired in order to get any attention, and not be locked. Go HERE for a guide to...
And you spelled practicing wrong. What's your point? Cut the guy some slack. Not everyone uses FireFox and has the luxury of a sexy built in...
One: NEVER double post. Two: Hi, welcome to ForgeHub. This map is not up to site standards, and needs to be repaired in order to get any...
Oh yeah....I remember that part of campaign. Always got stuck behind boxes and stuff. Very annoying >.< Map looks good though.
But did you MAKE your pelican? How can you make a pelican, but not get simple walls straight? Other FH Pelicans:...
You know, if there wasn't a custom content limit in H3, more people would DL, but when you get in a position like I am in, you have to be choosy....
You posted pics in you map citadel, so no need to tell you how to. So, I'll just leave it at: I can has pictures?
I kind of thought they were...non-existent.
Warthog Inc. isn't a unique name, so don't have a complete fit over it. Checkit.
Sure did, need to embed you pics hombre. Quick rundown: Go to the screenshot viewer on, and save the screens of the map to your...
+tips hat+ And ye be a worthy adversary. Seriously though, human nature is to fear the unknown. This can be bridged into ridicule of the unknown,...