And do not forget unlimited money and items in forge it would make endless possibilities. (if only):squirrel_sad:
from the hump day chalonge to forge hub ----------------(french accent) did that ^ to get that ^ under calonge
Yes that is what I mean sorry for the confusion.:confused:
I pusume that nobody respect TGIF and go play on it.
thats funny im a forger on Halo 2. lol :p
I have ben here for a time and I nead some help with some of my maps (not testing,making)if someone can help me with the new map pack thank...
I did but barely,Im in over flow list but in the lower part of it.:cool: but im still happy.
Is the TGIF signups is that realy strict to get in.
forget I said that.
Re: Template for Posting Maps Please tell me that there is a e-z way to do it if not I will not have pics!!!!!!!!!
What is your name online?
No I do not.
I like all.
Hello i'm looking for friends to make some maps and to test maps and to have fun plz reply!
I am also new and i'm looking :squirrel_shiftyeyes: for a good forge budy.