Doing it right now.
kinda funny how their all so epic except for the one on standoff lol.
how does this look? i had a fire grenade going off. [IMG]
as you can imagine, wearing such armor gets you more spam than anything i can think of. The thing that causes fire is a bodyplate identical to the...
thank you for feedback/suggestions.
what part of" this is a thread for viewing the screenshot and giving constructive criticism" did you not understand? do you have the capacity to...
fixed it up.
bigger? did you try clicking it to view at a higher resolution? no offence but it is 1280 by 960, which is a resolution some computers run at.
this is my first time making a pic for people to actually judge, so be easy lol. i didnt really use any effects, unless you count standing in a...
looks pretty cool. heres a pic of my favorite part: [IMG]
i dont know, but i think that the one floating around from those screens is modded. did you count the number of swords? i dont think you can spawn...
Cool map, but i think there is a better version floating around. Check these pics. Apparently there are 'knife' swords spawned in rings of fire....
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) another method would be dumping them directly from your hard drive using anthony's program....
i know i may not seem a credible person because i only have 2 posts here, but i have been in the modding scene since the original halo, and...
hey whats going on, ive heard about this site from a couple people and ive decided to join. i must warn you all though - in a survey i conducted...