Pleased to see this type of contest is back here at FH. Great Prizes. Well done.
I can't find the gametype. Can someone direct me?
It's quite confusing as to how most of the maps are from the staff, but I'm a bit biased because I used to be on staff and I entered a map. At...
Adelyss is right. Halo is dead and it has been since Reach came out. Reach let everyone down. I like Halo 4, but it no where near as good as the...
Thank you sir.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that it's hard to capture the map with pictures. Also, I apologize to everyone for this awful thread. So I...
Thanks for the post, man. I know this thread sucks, but I was trying to get it up yesterday before the deadline. I'll try to make this thread...
Map Name: Buku Creator(s): What's A Scope? Gamertag Hosting the Map: Whats A Scope Link to Forge Hub Thread:...
[IMG] Image from Upside Sounds for the Buku Art and Music festival. About This Thread This map was built to submit for Forge Hub's 2v2 Dust Up...
anyone interested in playing my map right now?
whats a dope
so what goes on here now?
Ok. Just asking.
Are you guys still looking for staff? ps I can't pm because my inbox is full.
Pretty sure regicides are only when you kill the king, ;).
Was this map only featured because you can see trees from that window? Yea you fh vets will get it. Glad to see you're still in the forge game...
I actually did that a few months ago too and nobody cared haha.
I just wanted to make fun of the people that always ***** about the staff. I might actually participate in the contest. Didn't really think anyone...
No rush, man. I was just curious.