I will say the Banshee's from the testing I've done, are not all to powerful. For one unless somebody's out in the open top area, the Banshee has...
The weapons list for this map I can add, I just have to load the map up and figure out the names of some of the new guns. As to the bridge issues,...
Hey all, it's been quite some time since I posted a map and I figured with the release of Reach I'd get back into it. Eye in the Sky is the map I...
Gamertag: - newbpwner92, thats right the pwner of newbs:D Times you can get on: almost anytime - summer vaction ftw!(1st and 3rd weeks of july im...
sry - wasnt on coupe days finals and all that, anyways, glad to hear you like it
theres ways to get in side from top and bottem parts of map, the sides are meant to be for true open combat, nobody ever ended up there in the...
aye, but tis harder than u think to line up nicely without interlocking, i wanted to prove you dont need to interlock though....
all right, thanks for the support, never had one reach 3 pages yet=p
like what? need some ideas for when I start work on v2
send a friend request to me, im not on right now but will prob be on in about 10 min or so, gamertags newbpwner92
ok thanks, if you find any problems with it, playing wise let me know so I can try to fix them
Let me start by saying welcome to FH, For your first map, it seems to look quite nice, I'm presonally not a big fan of dedicated camping, but it...
the map is in the shape of a "U" with multiple open boxed to get to the top middle part, and ramps to get to that part, you can see it between the...
Thanks, I was hoping somebody might say they wanted a v2, and I had no ideas for it, so that helps alot, my only problem I will have to fix is...
The turret honestly was not as powerful as I had thought at first, if you got a buddy near you you can get up around the turret,a nd in infection,...
Steps to get the laser:(figured id be nice) 1. Grab the grav lift in the basement 2. get back to top floor below spartlan laser in 1 peice...
Fort McHenry is based off of a fort up here in Maine, called Fort Knox, and no it's not that fort with all the gold, I'm talking about the other...
Great map! I've been playing it all day, though people seem to get annoyed when im the last man standing and im up on the crane....... I changed...
Dman man great work, been awhile since ive seen a good infection map. Definatly dled
um...... eaither my laptops really messed up, or this really aint up to standards, i only see 1 pic, no description and no download locations