hey this is tacticaltyrants (thats my gamertag) I do not have halo 3 due to my brother scratching it but zombie groups are fun!
my maps are never "done" i always enhance them in someway sooner or later
no multi team flags for u :squirrel_rubberduck: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_nono: :squirrel_evil:
that would be awsome :squirrel_rubberduck:
Re: [Glitched] Teleports To Roof Beams Map whiper mind if i send u a friend request and we can make some mapz together man im not on during...
Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added hi u guyz i dont know who to side with so i declare pie tastes...
dang orange how freaking high is your iq 160 (albert ienstien) i mean just wow ty :squirrel_rubberduck:
i only use maps if they are downloadable and i dont steal the idea let me give you an example i used gbwl08 so i wouldnt have to seal it of (i...
im thinking of hiding a teleporter and that is the only way to the ball because itll be behind the wall in a fence box :squirrel_rubberduck:
besides foundry id go with construct :squirrel_rubberduck:
i used to have the same problem but efficiencey comes with practice forging takes time but a forging a day keeps the boredom away...