They still haven't said when though, I really hope they get the psp to full potential.
That my sir, is amazing.
Yah apparently 2007 was the best year for the psp. To keep the momentum Sony has various multimedia updates coming out. One thing is a keyboard, a...
Yah, It was my first photoshop in two years. It was cheap. Otherwise it was well down in my eyes. Some of the stuff I have made above ^^^^ Just give me some ideas I i do it. <<<<<rest of it
[IMG] My sig =P [IMG] Old Sig for other stuff [IMG] [IMG] For a kids myspace [IMG]
Maybe you can pass it just like you were used to be able to pass invisible barriers. You know like in Halo 2? When there was a texture change if...
They take up half of the video screen. How didn't you notice that?
Awe man I wanna see that version
That is aw some. I was trying to do that myself you beat me =[
Looking like dumbo.
Mummblez09... When I was little I had speech problems, I mumbled a lot had a lisp. All my friends had nicknames, this one stuck.
Glitches because can't use to many mods in games.
There has to be a way to get past automatic exploding. Couldn't you just completely overload the map? I really love getting off the maps. But...
I loved this map. I played well with a small crowd.
I like this. I am going to check it out. Though the pictures don't show me too much.
And I was completely unaware of how to merge objects While I made the map.
That's why I made sure that none of the bridges or anything was hard to walk across.
I didn't do that for a reason. That is why it is called cluster. Wasn't going for a clean look.