yeh thanks everybody I've made and awesome dodgeball map and it doesn't have much of a honor rule except that you have to stay on your side and...
whats the point?
did anyone make a awesome sports map because iv been downloading them but they all suck because they arnt put together very well anyone?
Re: Scarab Assault - Features a Fully Detailed Scarab awsome design on the scarab
Nice map dude did u make it yourself or did you have help
dude its clear that hummer took the idea from bungie they are just denying it because they could get sued and they know alotttt of people will...
It sounds like a good idea but i would give the pitcher unlimited frag grenades and the batter a gravity hammer but how will you get all those...
One of my favorites is Barts Manor it look like it took alottttt of work and it's a fun map to play on
I dont think its possible my friend said he got a hornet in thr lower part of the elephant but i dont really believe him
awesomeeeeeeeeeeee thanks dude
Yeh dude your right because iv seen allot of people get a map like the swings maybe put a little changes and change the name to like The Swings V2...
How about a soccer map on foundry but you'll need the heroic map pack to get the soccer ball just try it and play with the idea and Happy Easter
Dude ill give it a 8 because there is still are a couple flaws with it that ill probably fix when i download it but outstanding map and awesome...
the pathway up top is cool but the downstairs is a little messy but nice job on the map
awesome map dude I just wish it was a little bit more compact because somtimes im running around and i cant even find where anybody is