I have 1 question. Where are all of the weapons and equipment. I didn't see a sngle gun throughout the whole map. you gave almost every angle.
The names sound fun, except dogeball sounds average but it needs S.S.
I agree make sure there are no grenades in the beginning and what ispired adding the wire rolls into the man cannon thing?
the structure looks shakey, but i guarentee this will be fun i may DL tomorrow.
Re: Yet another foundry map... seems fairly lain but i like the flag capture in the crate thing, smart thinking
Re: New Multi-Loft style map "Playground" Please Rate! i clicked on the link it says no screen shots....
Re: How should this map be made better(opinions please) thanks, and feel free to DL it any time :)
http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postID=15491554&postRepeater1-p=1 this map is called STORM THE FORT! I'm not asking for downloads, but i...
honestly i had never played the great wall before making this and the name is an unfortunate coincidance. [img]
http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15491554 this is a map on foundry with one large fort in the middle which is flanked by two turret...