Very Interesting.. Great map though.
Lol that's great! I should try that sometime...
As you may or not know, the flying elephant was a huge success. Unfortunately, the map was stolen and copied and worst i never got credit,...
It is possible ive done it :squirrel_giggle:
ok ill have a go at that.
Ok, ok:
yes but with a hornet attached imagine what you can do. ------------------------ I have made a prototype as i am past my stuckness. Ive been...
Ok. thanks for the offer anyway.
If anyone can help add me as a friend on XBL and ill invite you. Im stuck at the moment :squirrel_sad:
Push the hornet down into the elephant with a grav lift maybe? Ive not had much look so far.. i have put the grav lift and drop pod in the...
Ok so i had this idea. do you think it Would it be possible to wedge a hornet (Or banshee, i dont think it would hold the weight of the elephant...
Ive seen pictures of the valhalla one it has extra trees in the middle like a forest