i'm not entirely sure about paint, depends what your walls are like and i spose the colours of the mural depend on the colour of your walls as...
if you have creative friends let them do a collab piece whilst youre all baked or something, it'll mean more and have some memories to it i guess....
haps are here mofo, **** is tight all over the shop. guessing thats all original bizniss, impressive
just finished updating this for possibly the last ever time after 7 months of not doing it, naming it the Halo 3 maps archive ready cus Reach is...
yo man sorry for the late reply, didn't go reading went leeds mate! u enjoy it anyway?
lol i haven't sold any of my paint-childs yet but it'd be for £squillions cus im very much in need of money
thanks muchos compadre
[IMG] big bump i know but thought i'd share this widchu guys. painting iv done for my A2 art coursework final piece, took a long time
i do good thanks peeps, how come whenever i return its the same people on! or is this all that is left of forgehub, or is she still going strong?
cheerssssss SORTED!
yo dawg what's cracking
thankya muchos cheers for the heads up on the C business.. don't know where that went. erm... i only add someone to the map authors if they've...
sup conv keeping it fresh forizzle, any new big stuff you'd like to show off?
sorted, cheers sharp
i shall get on it, cheers
yo show meh something crazy cool and new :p
YouTube- Muse - Undisclosed Desires (Thin White Duke Mix) pow
you should have givens me codes... i got 3 red rings the day after :(