I would like a signature anyone can do it, just have it be good :P picture: Jimmy Page [doesnt have to be holding double neck, but not an...
i didnt like teh picture of the girl, so i made it go away :) my try. [IMG]
5. n' 1. zre my favourite knight. in my opinion they both are sick but I like 5. a little more :)
thanks for the feedback guys :)
some new styles i tried, what do you guys think? [IMG] [IMG] xinfamous2x fixed the font and got this. [IMG] what one do you think is better?...
looks hilariously funny. you also gave a great a funny description. i going to dl, but because of that description i have to dl no matter what...
wow smeagle your nice :P lock you dont have to do mine now if you dont want.
alright thanks for telling me guys :)
*Render/Character:Assassins Creed / Altair [i didnt know what render to choose so could you please] :D *Name:KSI assassin 54 Style:whatever looks...
Camofo its really appealing to me. also I love that the TV heads say 'OBEY' its epic.
i know they remade Gridlock but has there been any other remakes of any other makes of GOW maps? if people could tell me and possible post links...
this looks really cool. my favourite parts are the bridges in a perfect circle and the mancannons used as lights. looks like it would be fun to...
the impression i got when i saw this map was, its small and large all at the same time. i like that. good interlocking a cover. 5/5
this map has amazing interlocking. awesome layout. cover layed out nicely. weapons/equipment used properly. i dont have words to describe this...
a map that is worth the dl on last resort. i am amazed. i like the dock its very nicely made. 4/5 only because lack of cover
subperb interlocking. amesome idea. my favourite part is the pit thing you have with the stairs and fence walls, it looks cool. 5/5
zerosun. you too good. they are just completely amazing. .. im speachless ..
thanks for all the feedback guys. bluejay i couldnt fix that.
i thinks it looks better now.
neal I like it and its good for your first entering. the only thing is that the explosion kind of looks cut and obviously it was. but thats the...