It's so awesome that this site is still going strong. It really looks great and brings back many fond memories. This community was best - and I...
Ohai thar, how is you?
No, what gave you that idea?
Really depends on who I'm with, and what subject I'm in. For the most part I love school though, seeing as there really isn't anything for me to...
Really? I seriously doubt he does seeing as you're being raised in such a horridly demonic, non-KJV1611 Bible fallowing, False Christian family....
You're a horrid little boy, I bet your father never beats you.
I just noticed you're not on my friends list for some odd reason. I think I accidentally removed you when I was cleaning it out a while back.
That saying forgot about you.
Owait... Oh teh noes!
Of course :3
According to a certain person who I will not disclose the identity of you have been spreading lies having to do with 'Blarg'. Said vicious rumors...
Damn that container of tasty stuff!
Nope not at all, who informed you of this slander?
Why? That's fairly ridiculous, I can't imagine someone doing something like that. :P
What does 'Blarg' have to do with me? I'm more of a 'Hublah' kinda guy to be honest.
Mind if I use that?
Hey, what's up?
Nou good sir, nou.
OH **** YOU'RE AN MLGer!? I'm sorry man, it'll nevar happen again. I remember what happened last time *shudders* I didn't know a power drill could...
You leave my batteries out of this you son of AZN's mother!