Thanks! EDIT - Do you think i should change that with my current sig?
Here are some of the sigs/animations i have made. I made most of them about a year ago, when i was still active on these forums =P And, just...
[IMG] hows that PS its hard to tell, but thats dizzy from gow2
ya i know, i was just saying, it could help, even though it wont happen
no, i dont get why people keep making other places to go to keep it "organized" because i think FH is fine. But i do think think forgehub should...
i didnt see that, but still, what about Lone Deity making the SOTW Week 17 thead? are we not gonna have one this week?
Okay, i want to know whats up with last weeks SOTW. Lone Deity posted the Voting thread, and had the wrong SOTW picture, one from before. And...
ok thanks
you have to give a description!
you have to give a reason why
if i shouldnt post this, sorry, but shouldnt the thread be stickied? EDIT - Also, shouldnt this be the image on the first post? [IMG] link -...
:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: tex... you make me sick... thats disgusting :omg::squirrel_nono::squirrel_wtf:
o no sorry, i meant him.. lol
terrax has another site i can PM him the requests, then i can have him give me link to the sig and i can post here and say Terrax made it
Hey juggernaut, i was just wondering if you could add my Video Tutorials onto your Forge Hub's Finest Graphics Tutorial if you can, thanks. heres...
ill get on the as quick as possible
well, you will have to wait for Terrax to be unbanned because i dont have the sig, or the .xcf file, so you will have to wait a while, unless i...
EDIT - Sorry, ill PM you it now
you shouldnt have put up a poll because now people can vote for there own render sig thing
i agree with para. You need to think about what your saying. And i bet your just jealous he can do something you cant so you don't want to believe...