there is neither a time nor a place for a lindsay lohan avatar
u brought back the lindsay lohan could u .... =O
hey mate, just wondering if ya still do graphics and arty type stuff for other. Thought id ask before i post and happen to bump up your signature...
lol exactly =p you are still have the exact same humour you had 1 year back when i joined lol. Obviously he is saying that old stuff is trash...
I also am not the greatest forger around not even known by most people. But i can honestly say im getting better with practise, here at...
i just checked out your latest map and i have to say that to date it has to b the best post i have ever seen. Also great map.
lol gone 4 eva....nice knowin ya
hah man thnx so much, your the only one on the site who remembered.
hey havent seen ya in a while, so what ya up to making new maps and stuff?
hey still waiting for you to reply for the match ill add you on halo tomorrow. (friday my time)
HELLO GT:flange25 sory flange17 was deleted :(, we can play on friday night, saturday night or anytime within 8 hours of this message. Both my...
hey man grats on your map winning the non linear race part in the contest
Hey man gratz Renegade got best slayer :) keep those maps coming :)
hey gratz on distortion getting best original map :)
Hey man we all knew your map would win best mini game. Duck hunt is awesome
Hey man gratz on your map winning best MLG
Gratz on getting Reflex getting best design :)
gratz on winning Best Non-linear Race: Brute Burnout brute burnout is a great map :)
Hey gratz on your map getting first in the infection/casual section.
Hey congratz on both your maps winning the contests Pallet parade winning Best Technical and Kentucky Tango winning best objective. Can't wait to...