The default objects that are in place on Sandbox count against the budget. Even if you delete them, their budget value is not restore. Therefore...
I made a map yesterday on Avalanche, closing off the interior space of the central cave with the two man cannons. I cleared out all of the...
Is it the same map? No. Is it a worthy remake? I have to say yes. It takes some adjustment, but I was engaging in a lot of familiar tactics in...
Well... they can't be seen at all during play, only while in Forge. And they affect the entire map no matter where you place them. Not sure if...
I began playing around with a roughly-put-together map for Infection... it featured a lot of mazelike corridors and hallway intersections, and the...
You could set up a map without interlocking, as a rough sketch or a test map to make sure your ideas work well... then go back and fine tune it...
I think the biggest challenge is to create instantly recognizable landmarks. (Easier said than done!) If you can do that, it doesn't matter that...
Looks great at first glance. Very carefully placed geometry, and it's a nice touch to have an elaborately designed back story.
Chessbox v.2 Created by Zoy Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, Oddball Map Description Chessbox is recommended for 2-4...
Thanks for the tip on the bridges! I'll do that. There's actually a wide variety of weapons (although no dual-wielding weapons aside from Brute...
The panoramas are tidied up a bit now. In my defense I hastily threw them together by hand rather than using auto stitching software. Funny, I...
I ran into an issue when building a map recently... I created two interlocking double walls, laid horizontally, as the floor of a room. When I...
Chessbox Created by Zoy [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, Infection, Oddball, CTF[br] Map Description Chessbox is...
Hi folks! I've been downloading and playing some of the featured maps for a couple of months now. I just want to say I really enjoy them and...