Just start hitting it. Always worked for me.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I like. Except it's kind of like the MLG maps, except with a...
Mapper blogs? That's what you want. Oh boy oh boy tomorrow, hah I'll have some. Universal rules to all things FPS, and even some bits about life....
Well thanks for the update Bob... :'( I'm seeing some unfreakingbelievable things people are making, I'm probably going to remake that court.
There's a fatally thin line between stupid gimmick and fun with the whole Forge thing finally building steam, which is why I'm still pushing for...
I'm trying. :( Maybe ... epic screenshots will work. edit: There we go, five more shots.
BR + SMG Good ol' Halo 2 days. ::) (I'm just a crappy shot with the pistol)
Standard issue, surefire inspiration for fun. People can fly.
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) I noticed the board resizes your high-res pictures automatically. And another nice host is...
Honestly, even I'm still having trouble with timing my grav-lifts/jumps/hammers... But during larger tests, people have done some pretty...
Mansketball -Offense tries to score by tossing a player into the net, defense tries to stop them. Simple. -Just a court with one hoop. Some...