Toppum is now in Arch school. Has not time to play and no time to sleep. Toppum has been playing under a secret name and when summer arrives he...
Your amazing. I <3 you!!!!
Yes, the effects are as far away as possible, and that's because we wanted the effects to effect the inside of the map more than the outside of...
hahah OK
We decided that Vyctoriouz can get the chair as long as i can choose what color the chair will be. Also, I get the girl. But anyways, INSANE GIVE...
OK will do. Give me like 30 min --- Thanks for all the help. I figured it out. : ) It was the way the switch was designed. Now it works just as...
No it's a competitive map. Actually it's three competitive maps.
Dear Forge Hub, I am making a super top secret map. However, I need some help. On part of the map there are three 5 min switch doors. I've...
I like it. A lot. Make sure you through me a inv next time im online. I want to see this thing up close and personal. I have a few ideas, ill tell...
Why thank you. Ya when I saw that one version you did for that gametype, and the changes you did, there somethings I really liked. For example the...
Yo Insane have you changed the link yet?
update is up. but i have not posted any pics of them
I wanted to say something along the lines of damn this took you forever, or this is awesome, but it seems that most of the people have all ready...
Well, actually the changes where to the assault game-type. I've never had trouble with the spawns. You may have played the map with too many...
Dear Forgehub, I have uploaded a new version of the map, but under the same name. So, instead of making a new version with a new name it is a new...
[IMG] Created By: Sir Toppum Hat1 and Vyctoriouz Special thanks to Nathon Green, Stoyben, and Insane54 Description: Presented to you by...
umm. well I am posting a map and we need a banner. The map name is Skyline. It is a headlong inspired map. So I was thinking like a city type...