i liked the old thread better, i didnt have mutherfucks bitchin at me because i posted random stuff. im a gd supervisor for the breakers "th...
OMG IM IN 2 PICTURES!!!! lolol
you do realize that humans get 5 points for getting last man? right? RIGHT? because if you didnt, well, then you'd just look like a ****ing idiot....
lmao i didnt give you bad rep for the rating, i gave it to you for rating without playing learn to ****ing read, and dont get butthurt when...
im keeping tabs on nobody... you posted that in my thread. you obviously posted without downloading.... making you a hypocrite.
wow you're a ****ing hypocrite.
thats some pretty specific advice but ill take it.
it was indeed inspired by sniper pit, but the 6/10 is a little harsh seeing as you are judging just by the pics. PLAY THE MAP. it is as...
lol how would i turn the boxes? i turn them one way, then half the game you are looking at the other side. wow i have like 5 people who have...
to the guy who said it was too small.... did you read my post? its a 1v1 arena.
Infill by iSHlVERSi Download Map Here Download Gametype Here Infill is a really simple map designed for 1v1 or 3 person ffa. The map started off...
Well this map has finally been posted, ive played on it a lot, I think I was at 3 testing sessions and many unplanned 4 player matches that were...
i dont like to exploit maps, but the zombies can be massacared just by standing behind where they fall out, assassinating them. if they get wise...
very nice, i remember seeing some pics of it in your fileshare a while back. the layout is very original, and has a feel similar to distortion as...
great map, as a map breaker i tried to break it but couldnt, ended up playing some customs on it, great map, really intense games. 9/10
naming your map after another popular map with a similar theme is a BAD idea if the mods are around. might want to rethink your post.
i can has trust?
Hey, I like your map, its very well made and simple, and the interlocking makes it looks very clean and finished. unfortunately, the Forgehub...
This map looks good, though i might have to try and break it once i get online :)
Hey, i like your map, the interlocking and layout is superb, really fun to play on. Unfortunately, your map has been broken by the Forgehub...