quack quack?
Are the assassinations spartan ops only or do campaign ones count too?
Muse? lol anyway map looks great cant wait to download it. I really like that you incorporated the warthogs its always nice to see competitive...
Wait can we no longer access our screenshots from the new halo site like we were able to on Bungie?
1) There are no unsc flying vehicles. 2) I did not notice any problems with the campaign and as always with a new halo its one of the best fps...
Agreed, I find myself muting my tv and just listening to music while I forge now
^this is probaly gonna be quoted in my signature lolololol but seriously, what he said
All i can say is, is that at least its not as bad as Call of Duty. Where almost everyone trash talks.
LSD + Fallout = DERP
Cool story brah!
At first glance yes. But the map really doesnt loook like it at all if you look at the screenshots, and considering its symmetricle.
This thread will be added to my "list of why i hate people". I mean seriously what do you people want? Halo Reach shipped with 13 maps. Halo CE...
Don't you mean Halo 4. And for the sake of God please do not say Halo Reach was Halo 4.
Slayer pro is a terrible gametype. all it is plasma grenade spam and needle rifles. Which are overpowered. (overpowered in the sense that you...
no where, i didnt bother posting anything considering i thought it was a rather obvious find, and i didnt say he wasnt the first to say anything...
I really dont think credit is necessary since he wasnt necessarily the first one to find this (my friends and i found this the day of release).
its Normandy not normandia
you must be drop dead terrible at campaign and firefight. Because you wont get more than 60-70 credits in forge.
you are a tank! you should make a spartan in Reach