@yum_yoast- it does not have to be interesting to be fun, and if you play with my game type, it does make it fun, fiesta style with OS x2 respawns...
No, I didnt think it was original, I played one on the pit up above towards the ceiling but you couldnt jump, so i made one in foundry, I know its...
o, wow, yeah i didnt notice that, thank you very much, I shall take that into consideration in all the rest of the maps that I "attempt" to make...
wow dude, u sound really ticked off, I am sorry if I provoked any of that, I know that it is simple, and by your previous post it didn't seem like...
please read previous posts before posting...i have explained this before...it is simple because of the 32 fusion coils that are on the...
ok...I finally got all my pics up and running perfectly, thank you all for being patient...
thing is that you didnt think of it first, and no it isnt just made up of 4 corners, you need a cover to make sure no one gets out...lol once...
you are partially right, it did take about 15-30 minutes to make, but its not the size of the map its the effectiveness and replayability of it :)
This is a good looking map, but "cheating" is available and the race goes off honor system...
yeah, I just noticed that, I will get some new pics up hopefully by tomorro, and I wont use that hosting website...thank you for pointing it out :)
aesthetically sound, but there is no waypoint for this map, i couldnt figure out where it all ended until i drove into the mongeese left at the...
very nice looking and, after playing it, very nice gameplay, only suggestions might be more air lifts instead of the single one to get over the...
as far as looks go, this map is awesome, but I did play it not that long ago and the gameplay is not to my liking...the honor system is in effect...
pictures make the map look awesome, I have also been thinking about making a racing map on avalanche that would use the whole map...I will take a...
well, I thought about doing that but then it wouldnt have been "bumped" to the top of list and not everyone would look at it and see that you made...
I am so sorry that this was not clear enough, I was only trying to give forgehub users a little bit extra with a great map...I had given credit in...
old? has anyone done this already? I know its simple but it has to be to prevent lag, just play it and then tell me what you think, it would only...
this is where using bungie 500 comes into play, it makes people run very slow, and because of the extra gravity, there is no way to score without...
you may be right...i will have to consider that, mostly i was thinkn about lag when i was thinking about content, but i guess one or two things in...
that is true, it is simple, but my clan and I have played this on our game nights for a couple of weeks now and no one has gotten bored of it,...