Yes there is a custom powerup inside there. I couldn't really put anything else because the explosions would destroy it. Besides once you got...
LMAO So true man, So true....
Believe it or not yeah! lol Not that usual for someone to get killed by the coils, it happens just seldomly. Usually only if their right on the...
Unless you have some constructive criticizm to post, go f yourself.
actually its supposed to. how many sixth grader volcanoes look perfect? lol besides its hard to get a nice round effect without some interlocking
Yeah I realize the Space part but I didn't know what else to call it. lol Doesn't make a whole lot of since for Space Military to have a navy does...
Thnx. It looks ok I guess, I coulda done better.
i know right? nothing more surprising than innocently walking by to pick up some ammo when something comes lunging out at you.
thanks dude. like i said i'm goin to build another, except with two ships so itll be like a ship to ship battle.
It's easier to get to it than you think. The grav lifts push you into it so you won't die as soon as you enter.
The only way to get to the top is the two entrances on the sides of the volcano. However, the only reason to do that is the custompower up inside...
actually its supposed to. how many sixth grader volcanoes look perfect? lol besides its hard to get a nice round effect without some interlocking.
That's the bomb yo! lol I shall now call you Hojo......
Everyone remembers buiding volcanoes for science class right? Well so does the Chief, only his were a little too hardcore. This map is constantly...
its supposed to lol
The point was to make everything look trashed. It's been overrun by zombies. lol
Your family was the wealthiest family living in Hales Glades, now it's the only living family in Hales Glades. Guess you're major military...
Thanks. I'm working on my new map now. I'm calling it Tomb Of The Damned.
Thnx. Like I said I don't think this map is all the it could be. So after I'm done with my current map, I'm going to go back and make another attempt.