Thanx that was bothering me for the longest time.
yea kinda like that
hey how do you do links? I can't figure it out to save my life.
I like the angled walking surfaces, I've seen it been done before, but this is probably the first time I've seen it done well.
the cake was deliciously awesome looking.
thanx for the B-day comment, i kinda thought no-one would notice.
thanx dude, i was actually kinda surprised.
dude this map looks hell-a sweet to play on.
holy crap, I'm gonna down load this for sure.
looks good and nice interlocking, how's the gameplay?
dude this looks like you just got everything on the item menu and places it, all over the place.
ssweet looking map, looks like it has featured potential
I played this map over and over again and it was never boring. definitely worthy of being featuered.
probably the most original aesthetics, but game play was a little fast, for my taste, but still a great map.
I downloaded this map, and it has some of the best aesthetics and game play is top notch.
fun looking map, it seems to me that rounds are really short but fun.
WWBD, words to forge by. this would have totally helped when i bearly started forging.
huh, hearing you talk about it makes me wanna download it, but you should just go to and look at you game history if all else fails.
well, if it was one of my maps, I would atleast want them to mention me some how, but besides that I wouldn't care too much. maybe notifying them...
ah man, there's already a map on forgehub, named barrier, well, loks like I'll have to change the name on mine, no sense there being to maps...