i think bio dome is the best...the way the bubble shield looks is SWEET
hey u can take a look at my screen shot...its my first one...and i think ur first pic is really unique i like that 1 the most
Under Fire By: C0ldflame23 This is my first screen shot...tell me what you think. [IMG]
ok ive never seen teleportors on a mlg map so as for that i think that alone with the manconnons would ruin the gameplay feel that u get playing mlg
this map looks awesome...very unique and differents...i like the multi lvldness of it...4.5/5 =)
picture dont work...plz fix
the picture do not load 4 me...plz fix this
it looks nice...its unique too...maybe a little smoothing out wouldnt hurt but other than that good map...8.5/10
hello every1...i just have a few questions...first how do i make a signature? and how do i link my maps into my sig??...
this map looks alright...no dl from me tho sorry maybe if it was a bit more flashy
im nearing the end of my forging a infection map on sandbox...im looking for some testers to help me test my map and give me some suggestions
i guess ill sign up- c0ldflame23...but i think that it wouldnt be nearly as fun as custom games infection...what i think is that they have a...
it looks cool but no point to dwl cause all i could do would be look at it...sorry
ok in my opionion the grav hammer structure looks like a interlock fail...and for the rest of the map it just seems like it wouldnt be to fun due...
are the invisible barriers a mod?
ya i put alot of time into it and im glad u like it =)
ok on the first part i got the stuff then drove under the door and got under those stairs...i am now stuck was i not suppose to do that?
ok there is only 1 way up but after 3 mins grav lifts spawn allowing the zombies to come from behind the base
[IMG] By: C0ldflame23 and Darklordsn Uphill Glory V2 is an infection map in which humans spawn at the bottom and the base is at the top. The...
well its not really a remake i started completly over just using the same idea kinda