At first I wanted the Gungnir a lot, and quickly saved up 250K cR when the game launched. But then I found out that they do in fact have the...
In no order... The Incredible Hulk- Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure Dueling Dragons- Univerasl Studios/Islands of Adventure Loch Ness...
Nope, you just need a profile.
If you want higher quality pics, go into theater mode and take pictures there. Then go to your profile and the pictures will be there....
Fantastic Map Juggernaut! I had a lot of fun testing this! Great design and color scheme. I love that you used Green and Purple rather than Red...
For those who don't want to read... TL;DR- It's pretty balanced in actuality. ________________ Honestly I don't see how it is so unbalanced......
Is there a chance you weren't already walking when you hit LB? If you aren't already moving, pressing sprint will do nothing. It's a...
Yep, I did say that, and yep, his evos killed that for me. Now I'm totally lookin at Smugleaf. He was always so cool and smug, but now that his...
Um... idk if you noticed, or just didn't see the evolution already, but Pokabu3 is bipedal... Anyway, @Chronik... I actually really love...
Don't know if anyone has posted or seen it yet, but the first (as far as I know) review of Reach is out, by IGN!!! I won't post anything besides...
Yep, pretty sure that's been confirmed. I've been keeping an intense eye on Serebii and a few specific threads on the forums, and there's a lot of...
I hope you know those are the japanese names... not the English names... ... ...
Honestly, I don't see how anyone in their right mind could feel sympathetic towards him. He posted copyrighted material three times. Each time he...
Theres one completely overlooked game right here, and though I'm not a fan of it myself, I'll put it out there, and that's Starcraft II. But of...
With each game, I've always done Legendary Solo first. Then I play it with friends on w/e difficulty they want to do it on. I'm excited though for...
Yea I can understand. It's really hard to incorporate depth into a sig with this style... definitely something I had to forgo in order to make...
Thanks! Glad to hear you think so. The lighting was a problem... I just couldn't get it right, so I definitely understand what you mean that it...
Same Style as the Halo sig I just made... still getting back into this, but I think I am definitely getting back into this and such. Either way,...
Yea I see what you mean. It was hard to get the flow good with her arm going in the opposite direction, and that was definitely the one part of...