Hey guys, I've been browsing the forums for a few hours and I've managed to find a nice mix of maps to play at a LAN party I'm hosting this coming...
Looks pretty awesome, DLing right now. I'm hosting a LAN party @ my house tomorrow, so I'll be sure to give it a test and get back to you with any...
Ever since downloading these maps, I have been using them in my Custom Game Nights to great success. However, I have received consistent...
It looks really bare, and the fortress isn't so much a fortress as it is a big pile of blocks. By the way, you misspelled medieval.
This isn't on your fileshare anymore... Can you put it back? It looks really good.
I downloaded it and tried it with a bunch of friends, and be to completely honest its about as good as it looks. Next time try putting a little...
I don't know if anyone already mentioned this or not, but it is possible to crouch jump through the top of the door to get in right at the start.
Did you even read the name??? Mine is Fright, theres is Fight. Next time read before posting.
I smell burning brain cells.... Anyway, thanks for sharing the knowledge! That all seems to make sense.
If it will give me super powers, sure thing. Would you eat your parents alive for $5?
In case anyone is wondering, the first Game Night will be next Friday, June 20th.
I stand perfectly still and hook up 4 air conditioners to blow 20 degree air on me from four different angles.
That's terrible, but yeah I probably would. Would you hump a rotting corpse for $5?
Aesthetically, the map looks great, and the gameplay is wonderful. I dled it and played in a good sized party, and we had a blast! 5/5!
[IMG] If you love Zombie games, be sure to check out my new group on Bungie.net! Every other Friday, I will be hosting Friday Night Fright, a...
Ok, for the last time, it's not an armory as much as it is weapons that you can pick up near your spawn. It isn't a place that you can keep going...
I'm going to start working on Iron Fortress 3 on Friday, so if anyone is willing to help me, please shoot me a PM!
Although it's not 100% like the original in terms of gameplay (But then again, that'd be nearly impossible to pull off), I still had a blast...
Just dl'ed and tried it out, I couldn't stop playing! It's a unique and interesting idea, and you couldn't have done a better job in the...
The map looks like it would make a fantastic set for some sort of machinima. I can already see this in an episode of RvB!