Best played if you have that music from the video running from the guide menu while playing ;p
You could've used corner walls to make the opening of top blue the same as Lockout. Anyways, looks great. Wish I had gold to test it out... :S...
^ It's easily breachable, it won't make Atlas. I say get rid of the filters and killball...
I would say so, yes. Plus I haven't seen any Bungie employee debunk this yet, like the ODST leak.
No, this pic was totally separate from CMZ's ODST prank. As far as I know, this pic started making rounds yesterday.
^You ever play MLG Midship, BR Starts Midship, Objective Midship? From FyreWulff: [IMG] CaLL Me Zeny admitted the ODST video/screens (Note: the...
Remove the Banshee and add lift room and it'd be fantastic. I know it was meant to mix things up, but I'm not really liking it. No. I'm not...
The Sword doesn't seem to spawn exactly in the middle. If you can get any budget out I'd put a weapon holder there, so it floats upward in the...
Sorry I was rushed on time, which was why I was fast forwarding some parts, I tried flying around so you could get a better view of some of the...
Here's a video I made quickly to show all the forge objects in Sandbox for those who don't have it yet....
If anyone has any maps, I'll be making a video (probably tomorrow, if not late tonight) of all the map variants out there (giving credit to the...
There are maps? Would anyone mind sending some links my way. Bungie searching isn't giving me ****.
I got the maps, invite?
I see you can save it to your gallery and create a file set, but I don't see anything about adding screenshots to your file share (that are on...
Excuse my nubbishness, but how do you add someone else's recent pics to your fileshare?
We don't have the specifics on what they were allowed, and weren't allowed to take pictures of. The person who took the pics should've been aware...
Is this big enough for you guys? The reason for not posting the fileshare link is because I'm not sure if he was supposed to put this up. Someone...
Re: ░▒▓ Pantheon ▓▒░ *Pics/Video Inside* - ALL GAMETYPES SUPPORTED Well here's a gametrailers version of the video, I like mythica because there...
Click Here to Download Intro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've spent some...
Re: Full Foundation Remake 2500+ Downloads! Yeah you really need to play it for yourself. I made it as big as Foundry would let me. You need...