Yea, I have received about 5 messages about this from RANDOM people. Some idiots in my recent players I guess. Maybe Bungie will tell them.
I think 1v1 is ranked so.. there will only be 2 ways to boost it. But other than that I think 3x Oddball is a weekend double exp hopper though.
Comp lagged. (Double post sorry)
Umm.. My last name is Beeler and I wanted something with my last name in it. (Isn't that original). I spent about 30 minutes putting things in...
Personally, I am ready for all of the new updates. -1v1 -ShWATguns -Oddball x3 & more. What do you think about the updates?
Very nice, and very helpful, thank you.
Thank you.
My name is Andrew. I am new. I am trying to get better at making maps in forge and so far its going good. I look forward to becoming part of...