This (to me) is and interesting subject. The battle between Freedom and Equality. Preface Many people see the U.S. (and maybe some other...
From Lost to Lucid Preface Story Mouseover above text for description. Links Vimeo- Higher Quality Youtube- Lower Quality I...
Not too bad, it wouldnt have hurt to interlock a little, but still aesthetically pleasing. Almost reminds me of boarding action. One thing I dont...
yeah, ur right
uh-uh. A bout half a year with it. I guess thats not good ay?
Ive been failing with GFX for a while, so I decided to take a little step backwards. This took me about an hour or less. Nothing special, I like...
****, yeah i guess i mixed it up too much. Ill update it. Its supposed to be a planet engulfed in a Nebula. I know its not physically correct, but...
Took me a couple of hours but I did it. Its not the best, but i like it. The only things i didnt personally make are the few cloud picture on...
the one on the right? if so then yeah i guess ur right
Made completely with GIMP. I made everything except the pictures of the ground that was used to texture the earth, and the C4D (which i could have...
hot _______
A great texture gallery. I didnt find it, I saw it linked on another site. Texture Library
My computer finally came back to life the other day. So I immediately went to GIMP. Then quit. So today I made this. Three external images, one...
Like others, it looks great, the interlocking is wonderful. But same with the vehicles, and also 12 BR's seems like an overload, no matter what...
cool, and yes.
Lol, inventive. Do you have experience with PS or anyting?
haha thanks. But yeah ill prolly dodge it.
Alright, cool. Mmk, thanks.
blah blah blah. GIMP. Original: [IMG] No Border: [IMG] Border: [IMG]