The fourth one is very good; love the focus and angle.
Photography is very much an art! :) Here's another one, taken earlier tonight: [spoiler]
Yeah, it's a panorama stitched from three photos, taken at Manzanita Lake, California, in Lassen National Park. The whole lake was frozen solid;...
Whisper, don't be a jerk. Seriously, this is the first photography thread that I've seen in quite a while here. I'll play along with some recent...
Just select all and drag to the other open document. If you have experience with previous versions of Photoshop, specifically CS2 or CS3, most of...
Just run on VGA, man. The quality is just barely lower than HDMI, and it's much easier to deal with.
I'm in, mang :)
The catch skull is the best thing ever lol
I love how they kept the Fallen HUGE and BURLY and ANGRY. Makes me happy! Little hint of some dinobots or beast machines in there, too! It's on...
Star Trek, Watchmen, Transformers 2, Wolverine, and Harry Potter (in that order) excite me the most.
You're a very intelligent person. I like reading your posts :] I never see you on live anymore! We should play some Halo sometime again. I...
I have to agree with the above poster on a few counts: One, yes, especially at medium to long range, aim for the chest with the BR. Due to the...
Oh wow. PETA has officially gone crazy in the mainstream way. They were crazy before (they're ****ing terrorists; look it up), but this is...
Download the pwnagetool from the torrent networks and it works the with the 2G the same way it did with the first one.
Tie between "The Final Instance" and "The Last Remnant" achievements in The Last Remnant. Both are worth 200 points each, and both can be missed...
What constitutes as animal cruelty to you? What do you think is proper care and treatment (ie. scolding, etc.) of your pets? What do you think...
I always seem to come late to the debates, but I would still like to put my two cents in. I believe in a higher spiritual being, and I choose to...
I find it hard to believe that anyone still doesn't have this achievement...
You do know that MGS4 is in pre-development for the 360 right now... And FFXIII isn't a 360 exclusive now, it's just coming to our system as well...