Please don't move the OS and Rockets if they worked fine in playtests, that was just my opinion from a forge-through. If they work, keep 'em.
That's either a very impressive fake or proof that Bungie adhere to teen stereotypes. 'Look, let's put pointy bits on the shoulders' Anyways,...
Hey, come on. Your idea has probably been thought up before, but you executed it incredibly well. Who's to say EpicFishFingers can't aswell. He...
I really like the style of this map, it's very unique. I remember the layout and attribute it to the name of the map, which I rarely am able to...
To demonstrate how effective the destruction is, I will say this. I was playing the demo, in the car at the end, and I decided to try and bring a...
Given a choice, I'll only take the missile pod if a vehicle is dominating, because the Rocket Launcher is sooo cool. Which feels better, owning...
To anyone who has the See The Future DLC, and wants to get the combatant achievement, see below [spoiler] The DLC is good value for Fable...
Killing Frenzy achievement in Halo 3. If you don't get it while levelling up the ppl on level 30 in Lone Wolves won't hand it to you on a plate. I...
Rogue is super-awesome, is it in your file share?
Looks simple, and that is by no means a bad thing. It has a lovely cubey look, especially the bases. But with great simplicity comes great...
Well, having nothing to do, I spent the afternoon looking at stuff like this. Here are links that fans would like:...
Very solid map. I thank you for incorporating a ghost into a map and, from the looks of it, making it balanced. The idea of putting that ramp in...
I have been seeing a lot of complaints ever since halo 3 came out about forge. Clearly, it has massive limitations. I won't go into a list, but...
This is certainly an awesome screenshot, it has that uniqueness whilst not being over the top. It's a shame about the helmet glare, the screen...
Do you understand how to avoid the object limit (i.e. did you use a blank canvas)? If you don't know what I'm talking about PM me. Otherwise,...
Has anyone ever thought of making sound effects in a forge map? Because this morning, I tried something which I think would really liven up an...
Firstly, I would like to say that the following criticisms are not 100% necessary, as your map looked like it would be very fun to play on, so...
That would TOTALLY ruin matchmaking games for those who had the skull. Me, I'm thinking treasure hunt. As in, there is a really obvious clue, so...
You probably can't see from the screens, but the shield doors are merged into some columns, so they aren't 'just sitting there', but I admit they...
I really like the sphinx, this looks great for multi-flag. I''l do a forge-through tomorrow and give you some more feedback.