Hmm..ill see wut i can do, but im not sure
As the sky settled, the commander shouted the fateful words... "PULL!!!" That's exactly what you gotta yell shouting a mongoose with a laser when...
If you let me know which maps ur looking for, i nwas just thinking about doing that today, send me a XBL message on Blood Enigma, and ill see wut...
Who knows, maybe this will be just as great as Furious's :O I belive it will be :P :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: Qued
Im going to agree with nasty ol' Iron tusk, little more description of the map and weapons, pew pew! :squirrel_jaffa:
Qued, Qued and did i metion Qued :P :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
Hopefully the new map pack will open up more opurtunitys :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
its heaven!
Yea..I just dont wanna go back to the "old " way was fine..but i like the new objects :squirrel_jaffa:
I almost cried of laughter when i watched this :P :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: mnDUO29yMpI
lol, i just put those there for fun :P its unreachable area, and coco, shh, do not tell no 1! :P :squirrel_jaffa: Pew Pew!
i copy words from turbo :D
I like ur style, love the look, qued for DL pew pew! :squirrel_jaffa:
:squirrel_jaffa: I like your creative idea, nice uncovering my lil crate ninja spot :P
:squirrel_jaffa:Pew Pew! looking foward to my Cousin getting SSBB ( moocher :D) and im kinda intregied about Halo Wars
alright add me on XBL, ill be on tmmrw most likly
it sounds intresting, but yes, screenshots would be nice, but whenever u can is good...oh asnd PEW PEW :squirrel_jaffa:
Ty, urs is great, if you want ill help you with your next maps if you want, it can be... a partner ship :P
my bad, i'z stupid, i thought it wasn't a link..just somthing that u copy and paste..i'z blind, btw, great map! :D
:squirrel_jaffa: Pew Pew! you did it right as far as the pictures go, its just that some people that are lazy" not mentioning names" would not...