Man, I never even thought of even using those areas. I definitely want to see the map once you're ready to share it. There are hardly any map...
Okay. So, I said Duality would be up and ready for play later today. But... I got banned from Bungie a while back (Which completely sucked, I...
Okay, I got the Highqround one that was made and haven't run into any problems. But I talked to somebody who says everyone's apparently safe with...
Yeah, I've tried building alternate versions of sandtrap but it gets very extensively difficult. IE: The map is enormous, so It's difficult to...
I took a look at some screenshots and decided they really weren't worth having. I actually did manage to take them off my qued downloads. Because...
Thanks much. It's practically impossible to get a reply from anybody on unless you've got 100 replies on a topic already, you're in a...
This is like my first post. Forging is definitely my favorite aspect of Halo 3. (Don't go berserk with the whole "OMfG ranked team slayer is teh...
*laughs* Like someone before me said, I saw "Modded Maps" and made a mad dash for the link. I wish I knew how to remove it from my Qued downloads,...
Okay. I'm having a problem with it. I sat and did what it says, up to the point that I had like $20. I saved the map and exited. I loaded it back...