View the film in theater and it should appear in your recent maps.
Vertical Wall Placement 1. Place your guiding Double Box and a Double Wall against it. 2. Place a second Double Wall against the first and make...
The only thing I have found in the object set that really needs interlocking is the tube ramp into the tube piece. Without interlocking, walking...
This looks fun for a game of infection. Do you have spawns set up for that?
I'm pretty sure you can enter codes somewhere on the Live website.
Regarding the crooked wall glitch, could you try this please: 1) Place a wall flat against the ground, to set the rotation value. For the rest of...
Yes please. I really want to see them, especially banshee in the crypt and a shot of the hole.
SargeantSarcasm, can you please save the pics and upload them elsewhere, so you don't have to reveal the gamertag?
There is no blue grid, so it isn't forge mode. Does the soccerball on foundry cast a shadow?
I think the Neutral Flag mod should be allowed to spread, but other than that, no.
After seeing the plugged hole in the screen shot and the barriers surrounding it on custom maps, I think we can safely say there is at least some...
FOUND A CLEAR SHOT OF THE HOLE. Under the warthog. It is... Killball is sitting directly over/in the hole. In may be... There are barriers surrounding exactly where the 'hole' is.
Poor Assembly and Orbital, being completely overshadowed by Sandbox...
Halo 3 Global Heatmaps
People don't understand the OLN. It has always been there, even on Foundry.. In fact, if we did not delete the Foundry default objects, we would...
They didn't say you can't resize/reshape killballs, just that you can only have two. But if you can't resize them, then I honestly cannot see a...
Why did I not immediately see this? This could revolutionize floating maps!
Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack: exclusive Bungie interview | T3 magazine online New Article. Highlights: